Learn More about Alexis Dean Photography

I am here to serve you. The biggest lesson I learned while in the Air Force and then Space Force is the importance of looking out for the person next to you.  Life will always have it's ups and downs, but knowing the people on your left and right are there for you, makes the rough patches tolerable. As your photographer, I want you to feel supported and cared for during our sessions together because photos should bring back joyful memories. 

I am passionately Catholic. I grew up in the Church, and fell more in love with my faith in high school when I started to learn more. God has protected and guided me in so many beautiful ways. With every picture I take, I hope to show His great love for us. For years, I searched Instagram for photographers who were out there capturing His beautiful Church only to be left a little dismayed. Then, one day, I realized that he placed that desire on my heart, not to be a consumer, but as a creator.

I think the desert can be one of the magnificent landscapes. I swoon over every sunrise and sunset here. The colors are so majestic! I love being outdoors. Whether that’s hiking, skiing, or reading in a hammock. Exploring our world brings so much joy to me!

fun facts

I love spending time in the kitchen testing out new baked goods for our family

meet Alexis

Meet the family

from space operations to photography

how it started

I feel like I have always had a camera in my hand. As a kid, I was fascinated with taking pictures of my world – both on our digital camera and a disposable film camera. I love the idea of showing people I how I see the world!

I really fell in love with photography in college. I used photography to help get me through a rough period in my life. Photography not only allowed me to communicate how I was feeling when words seemed to fail, but helped me see just how beautiful life can be if we slow down to enjoy the moment. From then on, if I went somewhere, my camera was there too. 

As I graduated and started working, the times I brought my camera out were fewer, but I still found myself planning the weekend’s hike so I could take more photos. When the days, weeks, and months were difficult I prioritized using my camera.

For awhile, I was content making photography a hobby, maybe a side-gig. Then, work slowly started wearing me down. I needed something different. Jimmy and I were long distance (both Active Duty!) and I was tired of having a job which felt so separate from who I am as a person. After months of prayer and discernment, Jimmy and I realized that it was time for me to separate from the military so I could pursue photography. Photography leaves me rejuvenated and I love that I can combine my faith into the work I do.

Family is everything to me and I would remiss to not mention how amazing they are! I grew up in a tight knit family and I'm so thankful my parents taught us how to be there for each other. My big brothers were (and still are) my best friends growing up. My family taught me the value of connections, which is especially important as a military family! Though we might live all across the world, I can count on them to be there when we need them.

The Office is permanently on repeat in our house, and it still makes me laugh just as much (if not more) as the first time I watched it

Though we're Roman Catholic we love attending our local Byzantine Catholic church

My favorite season is spring. I enjoy seeing the world come back to life after winter

I could read for hours, particularly if they're books on theology and mystery novels

I'm a huge extrovert, but I can also be somewhat shy at first

As the business as grown over the past year, Jimmy has also taken a keen interest in photography and will step up as my second shooter most of the time! I love getting to share this passion with him. He has learned so quickly and it's great getting to work with my husband. 

Then there is our dog, Sigma. He’s one of the happiest dogs around. He enjoys long walks outside and cuddles (so many cuddles). Sigma also serves as my main, albeit unwilling, model when I want to try out a new camera setup.

While Sigma will always have a special place in our hearts, he won't be the center of attention too much longer: we are expecting our baby boy around Easter 2024! We can't wait for all of the new adventures Little One will surely bring our way.

My husband, Jimmy, is my biggest supporter and best friend. He knows how to make me laugh harder than anyone else I know. He motivated me to follow my life long dream of becoming a photographer, leaving behind the Space Force. He continues to inspire me to keep at it every time I begin to doubt myself. Ever since our first date, he calms me down whenever I feel overwhelmed.

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wedding and portrait photography

Las Vegas, Nevada